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Premis Data Manager

Perfect interface between project engineering and CMIMS system

The perfect interface between project engineering and CMIMS system

Engineering phase

engineering phase 4
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Industrial CMIMS


The best application to control, visualize and analyze your CMIMS data.

The best application to control, visualize and analyze your CMIMS data.

Treeview vizualisation to access all your CMIMS data in an optimize workspace

Display your spare parts and equipment directly in the treeview

Validate your engineering assumptions by color coding your impact on the breakdown

Visualize your engineering systems in 3D

Validate your engineering assumptions by using technical request library

Standardize your data between similar equipment by easily compare them

An application developed by Holis to ensure technical quality and fast data processing.

An application developed by Holis to ensure technical quality and fast data processing.

CMIMS data secure and optimize
Success in your CMIMS migration
Avoid costly mistake